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Flower Print


"The details are not the details.
They make the design"

- Charles Eames - 


PRIMAVERA is  online art events journal and a Blog   

We are interested in promoting quality content.

Each article reflects the personal views of the author unless otherwise noted.

The frame captures the events of not only major players, but also enthusiasts who are just starting to work in the field of art. As they say, beauty will save the world, and for our part, we focus on the art world news, which has no boundaries. 

Art Events in HELSINKI

В мире много чего происходит, но мы хотим обратить ваше внимание на красоту. Мы не можем таким образом многое изменить в мире, но если мы повлияем даже чуть-чуть на ваше настроение, самочувствие, общение, устремления, будущее, мы будем считать, что достигли цели. 

There is a lot going on in the world, but we want to draw your attention to beauty. We cannot change anything in the world this way, but if we influence even a little bit on your mood, well-being, communication, aspirations, and future, we will consider that we have reached the goal.

Maailmassa tapahtuu paljon, mutta haluamme kiinnittää huomiosi kauneuteen. Emme voi muuttaa paljon maailmassa tällä tavalla, mutta jos vaikutamme edes vähän mielialaasi, hyvinvointiin, kommunikointiin, toiveisiin, tulevaisuuteen, katsomme, että olemme saavuttaneet tavoitteen.

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